Zayne Greywolfe

“Fiery brilliance of a thousand suns”

Age: 30
Occupation: Coliseum fighter/part-time Honey Bee club host
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Skills: ‘Competent’ Monk fighter
Physique: Very athletic, strong build
Alighnment: Neutral/Lawful Good
Voice claim: (please don’t laugh) Patrick Warburton

Short intro

He’s lacking….somewhere in that brain of his but he sure does have his moral obligations and a heart of gold willing to brighten anyone’s day!


Since he does not get many metaphors or people not being direct with him, he is usually very happily blunt and honest. He could never stand himself to be angry, always speaking in a happy undertone that would make you believe he’s happy about everything. He could tell you all day about the orphan kids and only seems to care about their well being more than his when it comes to thinking for himself. He looks like an unapproachable bear of a man but one look his way and he’ll send a sparkling smile back. Chivalrous, kind, he’s just a big softie and a bit of a romantic for when one day he lands woman of his own to eventually have kids with! But somewhere in that is naivety he somewhat doesn’t grasp all the time.

Growing up

An orphan in his own right since the tender age of 8 in the harshest areas of Gyr Abania as Garlemald enclosed around the land. Growing up in an orphanage with too little amenities with too many mouths to feed was a problem, so he learned on his own to fend for himself. Knowing the world out there was not a kind one but to greet it with a smile, even if it meant beating bandits or monsters to a pulp just to survive.As he grew, the cheerfully bright and optimistic highlander youth saw everything as ‘do unto others as you would unto them’; even when it was a matter of accepting a service while being paid for something: Coin controlled a lot of things. And needing more money as he embraced his teens became increasingly apparent as many more children were brought upon the Orphanages’ door.He told the old caretaker he would set off in like of a profession to accrue money to send back and help children like him, thus leading him to Ul’dah in his late teen years. Coming upon the ‘tradition’ of the Coliseum fights for riches and ‘glory’. Upon winning his first handful of matches while using his fists, he was spotted and taken under the wing of an older male Monk, having seen his intense fiery aether, or lack of control of said aether in order to better harness it. The Monk Master seeing a spark of Rhalgr’s destructive force in the youth.Zayne had taken what money he could to send back home while departing with the man to learn of the old ways of Rhalgr’s teachings, and in doing so, found his aether to burn bright as subsequent light itself. But along the way and the years, he still upheld the oath he made to take care of the kids he had left behind back home with his coliseum earnings but soon reached an impasse: to keep training or use the power of the fist for the use of others he cared for dearly.He did in the end, let his teacher go and went back to the inevitable cage of bloodsport for Ul’dah’s entertainment but if it meant he could feed those who weren’t as well off as him, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

Key notes/Rumours

Will tell about how he takes care of sixteen orphanage kids. Will NOT first lead up and say they’re orphans first and foremost; he’s bad at that.If you have strong aethersight or sensitivity to aether, his aether isn’t blinding but very noticeable as ‘hot and vibrant’ as if coming off of him in waves.If you were to peer into his soul landscape, you’d find clear skies upon walkable land of water.“How does he stand to be so happy in a city like this I’ll never know….”“You don’t meet people pure of heart like him anymore. He almost makes ME want to be better.”

Entertainer time

Providing for…so many orphans back home and to sustain himself is hard, given he gives 90% of his earnings to them and barely any for himself claiming ‘they need it more than I do!’ So he’s taken a more ‘calmer’ job to make ends meet than just fighting since he runs his mouth a lot, why not provide company to others for those seeking just a friendly conversation or something more, hey if it’s paying then that means more money he can send back!For now he works there every Sunday at the carrd time provided below!


OP is She/Her, 33 and open to Mature, Dark, sometimes even crack, and MOST ERP situations as long as the rp leads to it and is not out of nowhere random. Gotta have some substance there. Zayne himself is very approachable to start a convo but as my irl self: I am horribly shy as hell. If at all, you can /tell or poke for attention, wanna walk up and plot? Just ask!